Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pergola Installation

Here are a few photos of the pergola structure, sans pv panels. Powerfully Green built it out of cedar with massive 6x6 posts. Because we're a duplex we have a 9' setback from the property lines. We could have done an additional 3 panels if we had another four feet. Generally the setback is 6' in St. Paul, MN. We love the pergola idea because we have so little roof space. They will squeeze in 9 panels on the roof, but that will leave no space for solar water or additional panels.

The trench! They dug down about 24." They managed to get it dug and filled before the ground got too frozen. I'm glad I didn't have to dig this trench. The black box under the pergola is a compost bin. We'll move it in the spring; we intend to use the space under the panels for bike and scooter parking.

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